Christabel & Ifeanyi set to be forever after they met 6 years ago on their way to church

Who could have thought that the path to church could also be the path to finding your soulmate? You’ve got to keep reading Christabel and Ifeanyi’s sweet love story to see that this is indeed possible.

It all began six years ago when Ifeanyi offered Christabel a lift to church. Little did they know that this simple kind gesture would lead to a ‘Happy Ever After’ journey. As they happily count on their big day, we get a glimpse of their sweet love through their pre-wedding photos. They look perfect together and each frame has us in awe of the beauty of their love. We are happy for these lovebirds as they journey into ‘foreverland’.

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

How we met
By the bride, Christabel:

Our love story started 6 years ago, in January 2017. It was a Sunday morning, I had just returned from my Dad’s Funeral. I was at my nearest bus stop with a few others waiting for a bike to drop me off for 7:30 am mass. A car stopped right in front of me, horned and waved at everyone to enter. He has the habit of giving churchgoers lifts anytime he’s going to the Church. I happily entered the front seat, the driver was such a beautiful man lol. He stopped for us to alight when we got to the church and I quickly asked if he’d be going back to the Estate afterwards. He affirmed and showed me where he was going to park so I could join him later. He didn’t ask for my details or anything, oh well! We’ll meet some other time, I said to myself. We met two Sundays consecutively, yet this man didn’t ask me for my number.

That was how we kept missing each other for about 2 months because we kept attending different Masses hoping to meet. We finally met again one Sunday evening. I saw him drive past my house and we quickly exchanged contacts. I was on my way out for a date when I saw him. Before I got home, he had already texted me on Imo App. We were friends for two years, hanging out a lot, and grew so fond of each other, yet he didn’t want commitment, ahh! Suitors were coming for me, He told me to marry any of them as he wasn’t ready to settle down, lol. I was sad because he was perfect for me but I was grateful for his honesty. Fast forward to a few months later, I started giving lots of attention to my suitors to make a choice and paid less attention to him. He saw the moves and rushed back to stop me. He now asked me to wait for him, as he would make it worth the wait. We stuck with each other against all odds, and here we are celebrating

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